The Life & Times of Mommiehood

Here I am finding my way through uncharted waters.

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Fell off the wagon already.

So much for blogging every day this month.

There have been things I thought to write about and then seem to forget and not find the time.

Today I was gifted with the day off. It did not go as I had planned. I did not accomplish all I wanted to. But I did not have to go to work. That was wonderful.

The hubs and I went on a movie date. We so rarely get to do that and pretty much never make a matinee anymore. Definitely an older crowd this morning, but nice to be able to go and watch a movie and just spend some time together.

Life has been  in wack-a-mole mode and I feel like I’m the mole. No fun. With all the car issues we’ve been having (yesterday the truck started acting funny and today the check engine light came on) and the weather change today I felt like Eeyore most of the day.

Here’s to hoping tomorrow can be relatively uneventful.

Finished Home Alone with the kids. They really enjoyed it. It has been fun to watch movies I liked when I was younger with them and have them like them too. Also interesting to talk to them about how things are different now with technology having changed so much in the last 20 years.

Started the last week in my 21 Day Fix today as well. So far so good. Here’s to finishing strong and then getting started with P90. Happy the hubs is joining me (he started P90 today) and we can cheer each other on and encourage each other.

How’s that for random.

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pure craziness

This has been a wild month. My last post was about finding a home and having our offer accepted … and there’s been so much packed in the middle I haven’t had much time for anything other than getting by.

As anyone who has bought a house recently would know, it SUCKS! Looking forward to when this process is over and we can enjoy the place. Which might be next Friday.

After the offer was accepted we had the inspection. Of course a few things came up and we had to wait, not so patiently, for a structural engineer to come out. Thankfully the potential BIG issue wasn’t as big and he was able to spot a different larger, more immediate concern with the roof over the front porch and back deck … where some genius had previously taken out support beams.

After what seems like weeks and weeks of waiting and going back and forth, agreements have been reached. Things are by no means perfect, but never would be, no matter where the house. The big, pressing issues are all resolved and we are still getting a very good deal for the location (especially considering any home in the neighborhood could have similar issues and potentially cost even more).

Lest you thing this was the only drama, there has been a mean and nasty underwriter behind the scenes trying to mess up the loan. Having a hubby that’s a lawyer sure does help sometimes. He finally researched the regulations for the federal loan program and was able to use his lawyer speak to get them to back off on an inappropriate piece of information they were pushing us to get. Talk about being unfriendly to small business owners! Sheesh.

Tuesday we thought things looked bleak. Both of us were ready to walk away from the house. Everything started turning around that afternoon and even the loan was moving forward by Wednesday. I’m still in awe at how things came together. In a way that clearly has God’s handiwork written all over it. What an answer to my prayers over the last weeks that we would have a clear answer, that we would know if this was right or we needed to walk away.

Still having a hard time believing that we might actually own this house next week. For real.

Pure craziness!

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almost time for 1st grade

Registered the boy for 1st grade yesterday.

Wow. 1st grade.

His teacher and I talked last year about him being in the 1st/2nd grade class but that apparently did not happen so we’ll have to see how this goes. Was hoping the combo class would be a great challenge for him but maybe this class will give him the opportunity to be with some of his friends from last year. Things could always change if need be and I know they will send him to other classes for subjects where he needs more of a challenge. Just hope his teacher is understanding of his quirks, as I’m sure every parent is.

Tuesday I got a phone call with wonderful news that he will be able to participate in the after school program. After being on the wait list all last year and being told he might be again for another year, I’m so relieved that things changed and there is room. I hated my schedule last year and am grateful that this year I can go back to my three full days.

Today and tomorrow I’m meeting with my coworkers to create a solid plan of who does what and whatnot and am looking forward to meeting and planning with them before the chaos starts in a week and a half.

Here’s to hoping for a great year for both of us at school!

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playing student

Aahh conferences.
School for Grownups.

I have learned some, but very slim when it comes to the information on interventions that are successful and good to use with various students. That part seems consistently glossed over.

Most has been great, but the closer.
Oh my word!
He is so not even talking about what he is supposed to. Worst presenter EVAH! Boring as dirt. I paid to learn about interventions to use with challenging behaviors. Not his opinion on the use of medication to treat various mental health issues. Hope someone gives him a severe talking to when we go on break so he eventually gets to what he’s supposed to be talking to.

Someone just called him out and he said he wanted to start a debate. Really? Um no thanks. I did not pay for this.

There are so many other people around me not paying attention … Thank goodness I stumbled upon the convention center wireless code. Maybe it’s time for Words 🙂

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if i were a steak, i’d be well done

This is the time of year I look forward to and dread at the same time.
I am excited there are just four more weeks of school, but getting through them can at times be quite dreadful.

Focusing on the positive: I am very blessed to only work 9 months of the year and have my summer off. I am also blessed to work part time, even more to finally just have one building to focus on.

The last couple years have had enough stress and drama to make me reconsider working. I love working with kids, helping them be successful in school (as impossible as that task can be in middle school) and wonder if I could even handle being a SAHM. Hoping that after the summer I’ll be ready to take on another year at least.

Now, one day at a time. The next few weeks will be over before I know it …

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time for break. almost.


Tomorrow is Friday of course, but not just any Friday. It’s the last day of work till January!

My job has been stressful, and I am looking forward to no responsibilities for the next two weeks and our trip to Vegas after Christmas and of course Christmas.

Right now I have a headache, and I’m hopeful that that too will disappear after work is done tomorrow 🙂

Cheers for the huge perk working in a school.

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where have I been??

I’ll apologize in advance, this is going to be a random post.

First off, I’ve been super distracted and stressed the past week. Ok, that’s optimistic, the past two weeks. Pretty certain this has impacted my family in a negative way.

While I am so glad to have more time at my school, and can just be in ONE school, I have been struggling to get adjusted to my new schedule and new responsibilities … and of course ended up having a ton of meetings that sucked away my time as well. And now I’m training coworkers to administer assessments. But at least once they are trained that will be a HUGE thing off my plate. Still draining and never ending. Well, I’m hoping that eventually some things will end and I’ll get used to my new work situation, but really, I am stoked about having one more week till Christmas break!!

On to the great things.
Weekends are awesome, can I get an amen?
We were so very busy, but we got a lot done and while I may not have had much time to relax it was nice to be productive.

This morning I had a nice time at church. The handbell choir is my favorite part of Christmastime and they played several Christmas songs this morning with the singing choir. Bummed we had to leave early to get to the football game, but I had been looking forward to the date with my hubby for a few weeks!

There was an incredible excitement and energy at Mile High today. I haven’t experienced anything like it at any game since we’ve had season tickets. Still, most of the game was just plain old booooring. We were waiting for some 4th quarter magic anyway, but seriously, the Broncos waited till the bitter end to bring it. But bring it they did! Looks like all is lost, and then a touchdown and a field goal and all of a sudden everyone is standing and cheering and the game is in overtime?!?! Then in overtime they recover a fumble get the game winning field goal. Bears down.

So exciting to walk out of the stadium with all the excitement and everyone high-fiving you.
What a crazy half hour.

headed to Target to get groceries without the kids and while there I overhear someone say “the Broncos lost” all snarky and I said no they didn’t! The two women were so shocked and did not believe me. I guess one was at the game and left early. Doesn’t she know that like every game won with Tebow at quarterback has been won in the last few minutes and overtime is now almost typical?? It was fun to set the record straight.

Now to finish another fun season of the Amazing Race.

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almost there

I am feeling so much better about work with the changes this week. Just being in one school is a huge relief and once all the meetings get figured out all should settle in nicely.

Hopefully, some of the so much to do so little time will dissipate, but more likely there will just be more work to fill the time.

Had a nice meeting with the boy’s teacher. She is a really awesome woman. so blessed he got into the school he did and got the teacher he did. God couldn’t have worked it out any better. So glad He knows what He’s doing even though I so often feel lost.

One kid sick on Tuesday, I fear the other fight be now (she just woke up screaming, never a good sign) and I am just hoping that I’m not next.

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After Stephan throwing up several times yesterday I was nervous to send him school this morning and pretty much expected a call from his school all day.
But …
He made it, and had a great day too!
He got all his work done.
Had three recesses.
Played freeze tag with a bunch of people.
Got to go pick out two books at the book fair.

I even had a good day.
Still didn’t even come close to getting everything done, but I had several productive conversations and have gotten some things in place for after Turkey Break.
And most important, I finished my two reports for meetings tomorrow.
We also went to spend our Kohl’s cash so we don’t forget.
Folded all the wash. More wash to come, but progress all the same.

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monday, monday

Today was my last day at my school in “Kansas.”

This is what I wanted and I am very glad everything has finally worked out and I will now just be at one school for my 24hrs/week.

But I still feel bad about deserting my team. While there were things I disliked there, the team I worked with was great and they work so hard to support the kids at the school despite lots of issues put of their control. It was an honor to work with them the past few months. I know they will survive and have some support from a floater psych, but it will not be the same and who knows when someone will be hired to take over.

So while I am long forward to the new challenge ahead at my other school, I hate leaving the other school in the middle of the year.

Here’s to hoping they find them a permanent psych soon and all goes well as I start focusing on supporting my other school with new role added into the mix.